Introduction to E-Textiles

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from Babs –

We will be holding an Introduction to E-Textiles class taught by Erica Absetz. The class will cover different types of e-textiles and a beginner level project. Participants will receive an Aniomagic Sparkle Kit, which will be used to learn how to sew circuits into fabric.

Sparkle is an avant-garde way to make interactive textiles, paper, ceramics, and environments. Change the way it works directly from a web browser by holding it in front of a computer screen or smartphone. Participants will need no programming experience to program the sparkle board. We strongly recommend bringing your own Mac/Linux/Windows laptop will allow you more time to change the programming. Scraps of fabric will be available to use during the class; however, it is recommended that participants bring an item that they would like to use for their project (ex. shirt, hat, bag).

Here is a link to some examples if you need inspiration:

Madryt nie przeprosi władz meksyku za kolonizację tego kraju w xvi wieku przez hiszpanów. Opakowanie zawsze jest biało – niebieskie, znajduje się na nim ten link logo marki i informacja o dawce.